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Earning Loyalty Points

Earning Loyalty Points

How do I earn points?

You will earn 1 point for every $1 you spend online or in-stores. Points can also be earned for other activities; i.e. following us on Instagram. All points you earn will be available to use within 10 minutes.

  • Online: log into your online account before making a purchase
  • In-Store: provide your email address at the counter when making a purchase

Is there a limit to the number of points I can earn?

No. Go ahead and earn as many as you can!

Will my points expire?

No. Your points will never expire so you can use them when you are ready.

Can I earn points when paying with an e-Gift Card?

Yes, you can earn points when purchasing items using an e-Gift card.

When can't I earn points?

You will not be able to earn points when purchasing e-Gift cards or on shipping fees.

Will I receive points for past purchases?

Unfortunately no. Our loyalty program started on July 20th 2020, so you will only receive points for purchases made after this date.

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